Today is
Sunday, March 9. There are only 78 days
until Memorial Day, the unofficial beginning of pale old man legs and fat women
who should not wear bikinis season (AKA summer). Today we remember the birthdays of Amerigo
Vespucci, George Hayward, Raul Julia, my sister Nancy and my daughter-in-law
Marianne. In 1562 kissing in public was
banned in Naples and was punishable by death, in 1842 Giuseppe Verdi’s opera
“Nabucco” premiered in Milan and in 1942 construction of the Alaska Highway
began. And yes, General Francisco Franco is still dead. It is Baron Bliss Day in Belize, Amerigo
Vespucci Day world-wide and in Memphis, Tennessee, Tuesday will be the start of
the five-day Cotton Carnival.
I read in
the paper the other day about the changes being made to the SAT’s. I have a problem with this whole thing. College Board officials said that the update
was needed to make the exam better representative of what students study in
high school and the skills they need to succeed in college and afterward. If this is such an important issue, why are
they waiting until 2016 to roll out the new test. The last change was made in 2005. By today’s standards, that test was
out-of-date about five years ago. By the
time they come out with the new test, it will be time to change it again.
One problem I have is that they are not
encouraging students to develop a strong vocabulary. They are doing away with words like
prevaricator and sagacious. Why? Those are good words and students should be
encouraged to expand their vocabulary. What
I find interesting is that my wife was teaching reading to a group of second
graders recently and one of the words they needed to know was exhaustion. Now if those young kids need to know that
word, why shouldn’t high school students know words like prevaricators?
They claim
that they are making the test more relevant to the high school curriculum. Which high school? Unless all high schools throughout the US are
teaching the exact same curriculum, I do not see how that is possible. Are they going to regionalize the tests? If so, does that mean the results will only
benefit a New Jersey student who wants to go to school in this area? If that student wants to go to school in
Florida or California, will they have to take the SAT for that region? I understand relevant. I also understand the need to create a test
that reflects what a student has learned throughout their school years. I just think that you can encourage learning
and expanding a student’s knowledge and still be relevant.
As you may
remember from other editions, I have a hard time with people who do not
pronounce words correctly. See if you
can see what is wrong with the following passage:
The young
girl was estatic to find out that her boyfriend was going to take her out for a
hamager after school. She was hungry and
could not wait fer the end of the day.
She looked forward to the opportunity to exscape from the burdens of
school. She wanted to ferget about
everything and just enjoy her time with her boyfriend.
If you were
typing that using Word, five words would be underlined with squiggly red
lines. However, if you read it to most
people, they would not notice anything wrong.
You want to make the SAT’s a test of knowledge? Have students correctly pronounce standard,
everyday words. What gets me is that
people who should speak properly do not.
I have heard the language destroyed by teachers, newscasters, etc. I heard a weather person talking about the
tempeture outside. I heard a news person
talk about an intresting story that was coming up. People are always talking about how they are
gonna do somethin or they kinda wanna go to the mall.
I have had
people say, “Lemme axe you a question,” and I have heard women talk about a new
piece of jewlery they received. Home
buyers go to realators to find a house, people receive alcolades for doing good
work, they brag about how well their child is doing in kiddygarden. They drop the g off words like runnin, goin,
jumpin, doin, and on and on. I may be
picky, but really – is it that hard to pronounce words correctly? Let’s start slowly. Let’s just start using the “g” on the end of
words. That’s a good beginning. Maybe people would pronounce the words
properly if they looked at them and saw how they were spelled. Maybe.
forgive my rant. That has always been a
pet peeve of mine and occasionally it gets to me and I have to let loose. By the way, I had a pet peeve once, but it
was eaten by my neighbor’s pet project.
Am I the
only one who feels that inanimate objects are not always inanimate and are
really out to drive us crazy? Here is an
example of what I mean. On nights when I
take out the garbage, I empty the waste baskets upstairs into plastic
bags. A simple task right? You pick up the can, insert it into the bag,
invert it and dump the trash. The
problem is that just as the trash starts to come out of the can, the bag folds
in on itself and all the trash goes on the floor. What makes it worse is that it is usually
when the can has a pile of ripped up paper in it. The lovely Elaine feels that it is necessary
to rip everything into small pieces before discarding it. I guess she does not want people going
through the trash and finding out that we do not use the coupons for driveway
repaving. But I digress …
The trash
bag is just one instance of the problem.
I have had more battles with electric cords than I can count. Why is it that no matter how I want the cord
to be, it always goes a different way?
One time I was trying to put the cord for the coffee pot back behind the
pot on the counter. It did not want to
coil up the way I wanted and kept uncoiling.
I finally decided to just drop it on the counter and not worry about
it. When I did it coiled up the way I
had wanted it in the first place. This
kind of thing goes on all the time. If
you are not having problems with inanimate objects, don’t tell me. Let me believe that I am not the only one.
Our fact
this week tells us that a female donkey’s milk is closest to human milk. What I want to know is why anyone would be
testing that in the first place.
Have a good
week. I’m gonna be back next week writin
some other stuff for ya.
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