Saturday, February 9, 2013

Today is Sunday, February 10.  According to last week’s groundhog prediction, there are only five more weeks left to winter.  After the storm the past two days, that’s five weeks too many. Today is the birthday of WH “Gobo” Ashley, Boris Pasternak and Laura Dern.  On this day in 1535, 12 nude Anabaptists ran through Amsterdam streets.  In 1863, PT Barnum staged the wedding of Tom Thumb and Mercy Lavinia Warren in New York City and John Lennon’s “Live in NYC” album was released in 1986.  It is Boy Scouts Day world-wide and Chinese New Year (4711) – The Year of the Snake.

This coming Thursday is Valentine’s Day.  According to my research, none of the various St. Valentines who existed throughout history, had anything to do with love or candy or jewelry.  One Valentine in particular was a martyred Roman priest who was arrested for aiding Christians.  The emperor Claudius took a liking to him until Valentine tried to convert him.  Valentine was sentenced to be stoned, beaten with clubs and ultimately beheaded.  Not the kind of tradition we want started for Valentine’s Day.

Think about it, though.  One day a year you profess your love for someone by stoning them and beating them with clubs.  The cards would be interesting, too.  “Darling.  On this special day I just want you to know that I love you so much I want to cut off your head.”  Or, “I can’t say I love you using e-mails or phones, so let’s get together and I can show you with stones.”  It would also give new meaning to “getting stoned” with your loved one or going clubbing to celebrate the day.

I have always liked the holiday.  One of the nice things is that it is the one day each year when it is okay to walk around with a heart on (think about it).  Of course, as with everything else, we have managed to go overboard with the whole idea of the day.  I heard a commercial recently that told guys they should skip buying candy and get their lady something that will last – a new car!  Are you kidding?  If you are the woman receiving the car, what does that tell you about his expectations?  He is going to be expecting a lot more than a big kiss and a thank you.  What happens if you break up in a couple months - does he get the car back?

There is also a big push at this time of year from jewelry stores.  They want you to buy bracelets, diamond rings, pins shaped like hearts, etc.  One store uses the tag line, “Every kiss begins with Kay.”  That was why I always liked to buy jewelry at Fortunoff’s (think about this one, too).  Don’t get me wrong, I think buying jewelry is a great gift idea, if the person you are getting it for likes that type of gift.  I just think that candy and flowers are easier to pick out, don’t require as much commitment on your part and you are not out as much money if she does not like what you bought.

The other thing that bothers me about this holiday is that we are inundated with commercials about buying gifts for women.  Women get jewelry, flowers, candy, etc. and guys get a shirt, maybe.  Why is this such a one-sided day?  Why aren’t we seeing commercials about jewelry for men?  Why can’t women buy a car for that special guy?  It is almost as if we are encouraging the guy to actually show he cares and to express his feelings at least one day a year … 

Oh, I get it.  This is one of those “you never tell me you love me” things, isn’t it?  So, guys, learn from this.  It would be cheaper to tell her you love her occasionally and then buy her candy on Valentine’s Day.  Besides, maybe she will share her "candy" with you.

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