Today is Sunday, December 30 and there are only 360 days
until Christmas. If you get out and get going you should be able to get some
great bargains for next year. Today we remember the birthdays of Titus, Asa
Griggs Candler and Tracey Ullman. On this day in 1809 wearing masks at balls
was forbidden in Boston, in 1817 the first coffee was planted in Hawaii and in
1963 “Let’s Make A Deal” debuted on NBC-TV. In Bolivia and Chile it is a Bank
Holiday, in Philippines it is Rizal Day and in the US it is National
Bicarbonate of Soda Day and Bacon Day.
As you know, tomorrow night is New Year’s Eve. That is the
one night of the year when people go crazy celebrating the coming of a new
year. Well, younger people do. People in their early to mid 20’s go out and
party until well into the new year. They drink, eat, dance and have a great
time. They also spend time wondering who Dick Clark is and why would you
associate Ryan Seacrest with anything titled “Rockin’ …” As they get older, get
married and start having a family, they have friends over and celebrate at
home. They still eat, drink and have a great time, but things have mellowed a
little because of the kids. As they head into their 40’s, the number of people
they invite is smaller, but they still have a lot of fun. The kids are out
celebrating with friends and they call at midnight.
Once they are in their fifties they invite a few close
friends, have some good food, toast the new year, call the kids and send kisses
to the grandkids and at midnight drink a toast and then wish their friends a
safe trip home. When they reach their sixties, they are lucky if they stay
awake until midnight. They are usually wakened by their phone ringing when the
kids call and they try to sound like they have been awake all night. I will let
you know what the 70’s are like once I get there.
I used to enjoy New Year’s Day because of the Tournament of
Roses parade and all the football games. Nowadays, the bowl games are spread
out over several days and you really have no idea what any of them are because
they go by a sponsor name. I was not a big college football fan, but I enjoyed
a good football game, regardless of who was playing. Now, I miss some of the
games because I have no idea when they are playing. Oh well. If there is no
game I can always use it as an excuse to take a nap.
For Christmas this year, Barbara and I went to South
Carolina. I had planned on leaving on the Friday before Christmas for the drive
down. We could not fly because the cost to ship everything that we were taking would
have been exorbitant. As it was we had the car so packed that I was afraid to
open the tailgate for fear everything would just spring out of the car and …
but I digress. I thought leaving on that Friday was a good idea. My plan was
bolstered by the fact that AAA claimed that the heaviest travel day would be
Thursday. Someone forgot to tell everyone that they were supposed to have
travelled the day before.
We were fine until we got to Virginia. I do not know what
the story is in that state, but there is one section that is bumper-to-bumper,
in both directions, not matter what time of the day you get there. The worst
part is that at some point (after sitting in traffic for over an hour)
everything opens up. There is never any sign of why it was backed up. There is
not roadwork, no accident or anything that would indicate why we were taking
forever. It just opens up. I feel that if I am sitting in traffic that long
there should be several smashed cars, at least one of which should be burning.
There should be ambulances, fire engines, police cars and tow trucks everywhere
and there should be people with bandages held to their heads and other body
We left to come home two days after Christmas. My theory
then was that it was part of Christmas week and people would be where they were
going to spend the holiday and not out on the roads. I figured that if we left
by around 8 in the morning, we would be fine. We actually got on the road by
8:30. We were doing fine and, while I didn’t want to jinx the trip by saying
how well the drive was going, I did feel we would make the trip in under 12
hours. WRONG!
We got to that area in Virginia and got jammed up again. To
make matters worse, we ended up dragging into rush hour. I won’t bore you with
the agonizing details, but we got home around 10:30. And, yes, there was a
great deal of profanity involved. It is almost like there is an alert system
that tells everyone to get out on the highway and slow things down because I am
on the way. I am pretty sure that is not the case because other people
complain about the same thing, but you start to wonder after it happens every
time, in both directions!
This week our fact tells us that 15% of Americans secretly
bite their toes. They do not tell us what percentage bite their toes openly,
but I am sure there is a small number that do. One thing I am pretty sure of is
that none of them, secretly or otherwise, are over 60. No one over that age
would be able to bend over that far and if they did, they would need help getting
back up. Having seen the toes of a number of people in my lifetime, I can’t
help but wonder why anyone would want to bite them in the first place. They are
not the least bit appetizing to look at.
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