Saturday, August 25, 2018

Today is Sunday, August 26 and there are only 67 until National Calzone Day.  Get your orders in early so you don’t have to wait in line.  Today we remember the birthdays of Johann Lambert, Earl Biggers and Geraldine Ferraro.  On this day in 1791 John Fitch was granted a US patent for his working steamboat, in 1907 Houdini escaped from chains underwater at Aquatic Park in 52 seconds and in 1973 the University of Texas (Arlington) was the first accredited school to offer belly dancing.  In Namibia it is Namibia Day and in the US it is National Women’s Equality Day, Susan B Anthony Day and National Cherry Popsicle Day.
I really do not have much to talk about this week.  Yes, commercials continue to drive me crazy, but I am sure you all know that.  I am constantly amazed by the new drugs that come out each week, targeting the same moderate to severe problems.  And why only moderate to severe problems?  Does that mean that I cannot get treatment for mild to moderate issues?  Do I have to wait for it to get worse before I can do anything about it? 

What I find interesting is that almost everyone of them tells you to be tested for TB before taking.  Is there something in it that makes you susceptible to TB?  Also, they all warn against suicidal thoughts.  What is in this stuff that makes you want to hurt yourself?  This is especially interesting in drugs for treating depression.  It reminds me of a pill they gave us for my son when he was a kid.
We had taken him to a doctor because he was very congested and was having problems with his sinuses.  The doctor prescribed a medication and told us it would help him.  Our pharmacist filled the prescription and we started him on it.  Over a couple days we noticed that there was no significant improvement.  In reading the info on it, one of the side effects listed was that it could cause nasal congestion.  When we called the doctor and mentioned it to him, he suggested that we have him stop taking it.  Duh! 

The commercials always tell you to talk to your doctor about whatever drug they are promoting.  I wonder what the doctor’s response is when someone asks them about a drug they saw advertised.  “Yes, Jim that is a very effective drug.  I have heard great things about it; however, you do not suffer from any menopause issues so I don’t really think it would be for you.”

Speaking of commercials, I was watching one about cars the other day and they were touting the big sales on the 2018 models.  Apparently they are trying to make room for the 2019 models.  I am not going to go into the commercial, but it did make me wonder.  What happens to all the 2018 models that do not get sold?  I drive by dealerships that have row upon row of cars sitting there waiting for someone to come and jump on a deal.  At some point those models will be replaced with the next year’s models.  Where do the old ones go? Are they sold to movie producers to use in car chases and crashes?  Can they be recycled and the parts reused?  Just wondering.

One other thing I to mention is shirt sleeves.  I have experienced this before and have started seeing it again.  When I do shirts in the laundry, I have noticed that, with short sleeved shirts, when I take them out of the dryer, sometimes some of the sleeves are inside-out.  What makes it interesting is that when a sleeve is inside-out it is generally the left one.  I have become aware of how I take off my shirt so that I am sure that both sleeves are right-side out.  The shirts still come out with the left sleeve inside-out.  Not all of them but usually at least half of them.  I can’t help but wonder what it is about the left sleeve, at least with my shirts.  Someday I hope to figure this out.

Like I said I do not have much this week.  I will try and come up with some new adventures for next week.  Please check back.

This week our fact tells us that it is illegal in Reno, Nevada to conceal a spray-painted shopping cart in your basement.  Apparently, spray-painting shopping carts was a common way to steal them.  It seems enough people were hiding them in their basements that a law was required to stop the act.  It would seem to me that if you have the cart in your basement, it has already been stolen, spray-painted or not.  Just another one of those things that makes me shake my head in disbelief.

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