Saturday, October 22, 2016

Today is Sunday, October 23 and there are only 63 days until Christmas.  I already have “It’s A Wonderful Life” ready to go.  Today we remember the birthdays of Nicholas Appert, Rama V and “Weird Al” Yankovic.  On this day in 1876 the New Orleans Mint reopened as an assay office, in 1915 25,000 women marched in New York City demanding the right to vote and in 1973 Nixon agreed to turn over the White House tape recordings to Judge Sirica.  In Thailand it is Chulalongkorn Day, in Afghanistan it is Id-Qurban Day and in the US it is United States Day, National Boston Cream Pie Day and National Mother-in-Law Day.

I am sure that as soon as you saw that it was United States Day, you all reached for your holiday trivia folders.  Well, put them away.  I have been unable to find any information regarding United States Day.  The only reason I left it in the list was to get you all worked up about another relatively unknown day.  Sorry.  I can be like that sometimes.

I don’t have a lot to discuss this week.  My son was having work done at his house and someone needed to be there so the workers could get in and out.  I spent the week watching other people work.  That in itself can be rather tiring when you think about it.  You have to be there because the house is open and workers are going in and out.  You need to keep an eye on them and make sure they are doing the things they are supposed to be doing.

I tend not to trust people and follow them around to make sure they are working in the rooms they are supposed to be in.  My son was having some windows replaced and I wanted to be sure the workers did not go into the wrong rooms or open the door to the room where the cats had been sequestered.  Yes the guys doing the job should know what rooms they were working in, but you still need to make sure their understanding of what rooms is the same as the actual list of rooms.  We got through that without a problem, but it still required my vigilance.  You try being vigilant every day while other people are working and see just how wearing it can be.

So as I said I do not have much to discuss.  I am not going to complain about commercials again.  Let’s just say they are annoying, in my opinion stupid and just the price you pay for not paying for the premium channels.  I have looked at the offerings on some of the premium channels and I am not sure it is worth paying for them so I can watch “Home Alone” and other movies from last century.  At least with commercials you have time to go to the bathroom, get more snacks, etc.

I did have an interesting experience the other evening.  My younger grandson’s birthday was last month, but he did not have his “friends” party until Friday evening.  He wanted a Game Truck party and the truck was not available until then.  I had heard about Game Trucks, but had never seen one.  It is a very interesting set up.  It is actually a big trailer.  They back it into your driveway, assuming there is room.  Otherwise they can set up at the curb … but I digress.  They set the trailer up and then all the kids are brought out to the closed trailer.  They are told the rules and then the doors are opened.

One side of the trailer has two large panels that open so that you can see inside and there is an entry door.  Inside the trailer on one wall there are six wide screen TV’s and each TV has a game console connected to it.  One section of one wall has a vast assortment of games for kids to choose from.  They also have a number of hand held devices so that no one is left out.  The wall opposite the TV’s is filled with couches for the kids to sit on.  Also, the truck has an awning that they open and another TV comes up so that you can also sit outside on chairs that they provide and play games.  You have the Game Truck for 90 minutes and you just play whatever games you want.  The are multiple controllers so that you can play with other people and compete in the many sports games that are available.

It was a great idea and the kids had a ball.  I wonder if they do parties for adults?  How great would it be to have a Game Truck pull into your driveway and you and your friends grab your beers and drinks and go in and play games.  It would be like that one restaurant with the games went on the road.  I will have to check to see if they do adult parties.  I will let you know.

This week our fact tells us that according to law, no store is allowed to sell a toothbrush on the Sabbath in Providence, Rhode Island.  However, the same stores are allowed to sell toothpaste and mouthwash on Sundays.  That would be like going into a bar and getting a glass and snacks but nothing to drink.  Just another one of those things that makes you go h-m-m-m.

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