Saturday, April 2, 2016

Today is Sunday, April 3 and there are only 26 days until Arbor Day, so in the words of Lady Bird Johnson, a former First Lady, beautify America. Plant a tree, a shrub or a bush.  Today we remember the birthdays of John Hanson, William “Boss” Tweed and Marlon Brando.  On this day in 1790 the Revenue Marine Service (US Coast Guard) was created, in 1848 Thomas Douglas became the first San Francisco public teacher and in 1958 Fidel Castro’s rebels attacked Havana.  Today there are no big holidays, but it is National Chocolate Mousse Day.

As promised, I did some research on the horizontal buttonhole issue and here is what I found.  One source claims that it is a vestige of when dress shirts were affixed to trousers.  It prevented the shirt from riding up and kept a tidy appearance throughout the day.

Another source claims that it is a practical feature.  The holes are sewn horizontally so that the buttons can endure more stress from movement than the others without stretching out the shirt or the hole.

The other question was why the thread is a different color.  Here is what I have gleaned from my research.  Traditionally, when shirts were still made by humans, the bottom buttonhole was reinforced with a thicker thread, which was done on a second sewing machine, or as a last step when finishing the shirt, hence the different color.  These days the different color is a nod to tradition.  That should tell you all you need to know about something you probably never noticed until I brought it up.

I am sorry to report that the lovely Elaine is still in the hospital, so I have not been out and about finding things to discuss.  I had one or two ideas, but as I sat down to write they disappeared from my head.  I suppose I should write these things down, but if I did I would probably forget where I put the paper, or I would make cryptic notes and then not remember what I was talking about.  I am going to pause for a bit, in the hope that I will remember what the items were.  I’ll be back.

Okay, l’m back.  Unfortunately, I could not recall the items I wanted to discuss.  I did; however, come up with a couple of things to replace them.  In an effort to let my mind roam in the hopes of recalling what I wanted, I decided to watch a little TV.  I put on a channel that wouldn’t require me to pay too much attention and would give me the opportunity to get those items back.  Instead it provided me with different material.

What I saw were two commercials that require comment.  One was for a pizza chain.  After watching the commercial I can only wonder what they were thinking.  The commercial shows two floating heads marveling at the new product the company was selling.  I did not really understand the concept of the floating heads, nor did I get why one of the guys had a hairdo like Moe from the Three Stooges.  Maybe I missed the idea behind the commercial because I wasn’t really paying attention, but I don’t think so.  If anyone sees it and gets it, please feel free to explain it to me.

The other commercial was for on-line gambling here in NJ.  One casino has a deal that if a person hits a jackpot, anyone else playing at the same time will get a piece of the action.  I am sure the purpose is to get more people to gamble on-line for longer periods of time.  If that works, then good for the casino.  Where I have issue is that the people are all gambling on their computers at work!  Maybe I’m old fashioned, but if they are at work shouldn’t they be working?  Do companies really allow people to use their computers for personal stuff like gambling?  I can only imagine how much Christmas shopping I could have taken care of if I could have done personal stuff on the computer when I worked.  Sorry, just a little digression there.

Anyway, sorry I lost those other issues.  I’m sure they will pop back into my head right after I post this.  I have a pad and pen standing by just in case.

This week our fact tells us that the only animal besides a human that can get sunburned is a pig.  So if we do this right, we could have precooked pork loins and bacon.

Don’t forget to have some chocolate mousse in honor of the day.

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