Saturday, September 22, 2012

It is Sunday, September 23 and there are 93 days until Christmas.  Today is the birthday of Mickey Rooney, Julio Iglesias and Imry Nemeth.  On this day in 1642, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. had its first commencement; Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation was published in Northern newspapers in 1862 and, in 1962, ABC aired its first color TV series – The Jetsons.  Today is also Frontier Day in Wyoming, Good Neighbor Day in the US and Autumnal Equinox Day in Japan.
So, here is my pet peeve.  As I said earlier, there are 93 days until Christmas.  Last Sunday, my wife and I were in a department store and they had a Christmas section set up, complete with decorated trees and decorations for the house.  Are you kidding (this should be read with incredulity and outrage)? 
I mean, come on (more incredulity).  I saw Halloween stuff out in stores in August and now Christmas stuff in September.  In the next month  we will probably be prepping for New Year’s Eve and I’m guessing the Valentine’s Day candy and the Easter peeps are being boxed up for shipment as you read this. 
Everything is ahead of itself.  For example, the winter clothing is out.  The problem is that if you buy it now, it probably won’t fit your kids by the time it is cold enough to wear it.  It’s also difficult to think about buying bathing suits when there’s still snow on the ground.  But if you don’t buy them when they are out in February, you won’t be able to find them when summer comes. 
It seems that we start seeing seasonal things earlier each year.  The only benefit is that, at this rate, it will set itself right, sort of, in the future.  In a few years, things will come out right around the time they should, but they will be a year early.   As an example, in the year 2019, in the middle of December, New Year’s Eve stuff will come out, but it will be for 2021.

By the way, what is a peeve and why would we want one as a pet?  What do they eat, can they be housebroken, do they need a cage or litter box?  Or is it more like  a Chia Pet?  Can you just have a peeve, or does it always have to be a pet peeve.   Just wondering.

Now, go put on your cowboy hat, get on your horse, ride over and say a big “Howdy” to the people next door.   Happy Fall!

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